If you want to alter, cover, or even completely wipe the “regret of it all” ink that you have, there is an alternative to laser treatments now available. Until now the only option for tattoo removal was to be referred to someone outside the studio for multiple painful laser removal/lightening procedures only to return to an artist for a cover-up or modification and being put in situation where the artist, and you, were limited.
Now, your tattoo ink-evolution can be done by tattoo experts who understand the essence of tattoo art and will work with you and your desired artist throughout the entire process. We can lighten, fully remove, remove specific areas or words, there are limitless possibilities depending on what you want for your final outcome. You are in control, only limited by imagination! We are excited to work with you to lighten or completely remove your old tattoos so that you can get the beautiful cover up tattoo that you always wanted.
Tatt2Away® uses an innovative patented technique TEPR® (Trans Epidermal Pigment Release) with TERPSOL®, a solution naturally occurring in carbohydrates, which binds and breaks down the ink pigments bringing them up and out of the body.
Monday-Saturday 12-10 PM
Sunday 12-8 PM
Monday-Saturday 12-10 PM
Sunday 12-8 PM
Monday-Thursday 2-10 PM
Friday-Saturday 12-10 PM
Sunday 12-8 PM